Here you can see Setra walking away from the squirrel and Enta enjoying her winnings! ;) My poor squirrel is being so abused it's painful to watch...

Where as Elzar is happy to look sweet and play with his ball... Honestly girls are so much rougher when they play! Oi, Isis stop bopping me, it's true you know... ;)
That's it I'm off for a nap...
Hello Ramses, my new red brother! Thank you for your warm welcome! For some strange reason, #1 keeps saying that I am the most turbulent kitten she has ever seen... I am so happy that Setra will be my bestest friend and wish she and Enta could come over to play!
We see that you are a skilled snoopervisor, so we are not worried about the squirrel at all.
Abby Normal & Stygia
What a good brother to referee those girls!
They are just too cute. Everytime the LL sees them she wants a kitten in her life. She says I'm her baby and I'm 3!
You should have entered these two in my Kitty Fight Club!
I love that look on your face while you're snoopervising the girls! :)
Hi Ramses, you're doing a great job looking after the little ones - it's not easy being the referee. That was very nice of you to let the babies play with your squirrel too,
Gypsy & Tasha
Gotta love those kittens.
They are so cute! Mama just keeps saying SQUEE over and over and over.
They're just darling, Ramses!
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