Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Maybe more...
Mummy's been looking at my siblings for a while and has been hoping to get one of my half sisters. She says she'll be different than my housemate Tigmut'hep (does that mean she won't snore lots?!) ;) She'll be having a few litters of kittens for us to play with when they're big enough, as long as we're good boys and play nice. First of all Mummy has to talk Dad into this, though I know he's interested I don't think he expected to find one of my siblings that soon! ;) Anyway they'll have to go visit the girls first and see which one they like best and make their minds up... I think I kinda want to have one of my little sisters living with me, I bet she'd be less grumpy than Tigmut'hep, but how's Mummy going to find out if she snores?! ;)
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
The Purrfect Pawdicure...
Anyway they're done now and I've had a good handful of bikkies as a treat for not being too naughty about it all. Oh and I got to snuggle with Mummy lots afterwards too! :)
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Why our Kitty Angles are Canadian...

Even though I'm an English Kitty through and through, and so is Tigmut'hep our Mummy used to live in Canada with her old Kitties. So you see we have Canadain Kitty Angels, which is good as they can look after my Marie for me! :) You see they lived in Calgary too before they became Angels...
The Siamese one is Barbie-Q, she found Mummy when some people had hurt her really badly. Mummy took a few days to gain her trust and then managed to catch her and take her to the vets. The vet was horrified at the state she was in and said if Mummy wanted her and would look after her properly he'd tattoo her and register has being Mummy's cat. You see she was not only underfed, but someone had glued her ears flat onto the top of her head and ner chin to her chest with some sort of strong rubbery glue. It took weeks to work out all the glue and a month or two for all the hair to grow back. Needless to say she was totally loyal to Mummy for all her 13 years...
The grey and white kitty is Socrates, he was a rescue from the SPCA when they had a bad outbreak of feline flu and were having to put a lot of the kittens down as they were too sick to live. Mummy just couldn't let that happen, so she adopted him and nursed him back to health with the aid of her vet. Socrates was a very silly cat and made Mummy laugh lots and lots. He was scared of heights for a start and couldn't work out how to jump or meow properly, so he just used to run into things he was trying to jump up on and make silly "mac, mac" type sounds when he wanted something... Even though he had a good life with Mummy, he didn't have a long one as the flu had done more damage than they realised for many years. He was only a little over 7 years old when his body gave out on him, but those were 7 years he'd have never had if it wasn't for Mummy adopting him... Mummy says he's the sort of kitty Angel that makes things go "bump" in the night, as she's sure he's still got 3 left paws! ;)
They're certainly good Angels as they've bought me to live here with Mummy after being a very unhappy cat who didn't trust humans one bit. Plus they saved Tigmut'hep from being badly hurt when he fell from the spare bedroom's window onto the patio below. He was just a bit brused and grumpy when the boy found him - which is probably why he's very loyal to the boy, eer sorry "His Boy!" ;)
So I'm sure my lovely Marie gets a visit from Barbie-Q and Socrates from time to time to make sure she's doing ok. I just hope Socrates doesn't knock anything over... ;)
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Walkies on Wednesday...
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Tigmut'hep on Tuesday
When the weather's good though we can usually be found on a window ledge sunning our tummies, or better yet in the garden with Mummy going for a nice little walk around! Tigmut'hep is silly and seems to want to go out for walks even if it's raining, where as I'm a fair weather cat and like to keep myself all warm and dry! This outside walk thing is pretty new to me too, but I'm starting to really like it, now I know that it's safe to go outside when Mummy's there. When Tigs was little he used to be aloud to go out as often as he wanted, this and not loving his family led him to running away from home and eventually being put up for adoption at the local RSPCA. Since he's lived with my Mummy he's not tried to run away once, even when he was aloud out to roam a little before he got sick and needed to live on Rx food to keep him healthy. Since then Mummy's had to keep him inside more of the time and used to just walk him on the lead, but over time he's learnt to stay in the garden off the lead. This is great as I really don't like the harness and lead much, but love to have a little walk around in the garden if Mummy's out there! It seems that we have the best possible life now, regular walks outside off the lead in good weather, but a nice warm dry house for those icky rainy days! :)
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Father's Day...
Ok so I got it all wrong today... I thought I should go for an early fussing with Mummy and Dad, but rather than paying Dad any attention I found myself attracted to Mummy's hair and currling up on her pillow with my nose buried in it. Nuzzling her hair was so good, it smelt wonderful and feels all nice on my paws and nose, it's a pretty colour too, just like me! :)
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
I'm a furry alarm clock...
For ages Mummy used to moan at me for waking her at 4am for fussing, but I like my morning fuss and need to fit it in somehow... So I've taken to waking as soon as the alarm goes off and squerming my way between Mummy and Dad and demanding attention! This way I get my fussing and Dad gets up without making everyone late... You see I like my mornings to run smoothly and just the way I want them to. Snuggle with Mummy and Dad, follow Mummy to the bathroom and jump in the sink, demand that she brush my fur once she's done her own hair, then watch her get dressed before following her down for breakfast! When Dad makes everyone late I miss out on my brushing and fussing and it's just not fair on me... So if Dad lingers too long in bed I flex my claws a little and give him a push in the right direction! :)
Who ever said cat's couldn't learn tricks has never lived with me! ;)
Monday, 11 June 2007
Feeling really welcome...
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Because of my Marie...

Here are a few of the interesting animals that live in my garden and that I spend hours watching with my housemate Tigmut'hep. I'm so glad he's over his fixation on the Golden Eagle chick we've been watching on BBC's Springwatch, the Doves, Frogs and Wood Pigeons are a lot less likely to carry him off! ;)