Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Tigmut'hep on Tuesday

Here's a picture of my housemate Tigmut'hep and me together on the sofa in Mummy's office. We often like to hang out there together with her, especially if the weather's all icky and horrid...

When the weather's good though we can usually be found on a window ledge sunning our tummies, or better yet in the garden with Mummy going for a nice little walk around! Tigmut'hep is silly and seems to want to go out for walks even if it's raining, where as I'm a fair weather cat and like to keep myself all warm and dry! This outside walk thing is pretty new to me too, but I'm starting to really like it, now I know that it's safe to go outside when Mummy's there. When Tigs was little he used to be aloud to go out as often as he wanted, this and not loving his family led him to running away from home and eventually being put up for adoption at the local RSPCA. Since he's lived with my Mummy he's not tried to run away once, even when he was aloud out to roam a little before he got sick and needed to live on Rx food to keep him healthy. Since then Mummy's had to keep him inside more of the time and used to just walk him on the lead, but over time he's learnt to stay in the garden off the lead. This is great as I really don't like the harness and lead much, but love to have a little walk around in the garden if Mummy's out there! It seems that we have the best possible life now, regular walks outside off the lead in good weather, but a nice warm dry house for those icky rainy days! :)


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I love to wander around in our backyard...altho without you there, I am very scared! I run inside after only a couple of minutes in the yard!

You and Tig look very comfortable. I love your perfect curl-up!! You are so compact and handsome!

~Marie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Daisy said...

Walking outside is very fun. I can only go out on my harness and leash though. And I would NEVER go out in the rain :: shivers ::

Ramses said...

I certainly understand the running inside every couple of minutes thing. It took me over a month to get the courage to put more than one paw outside at a time! But Mummy kept telling me I was safe and Tigmut'hep was out there enjoying himself too, so eventually I decided it'd be ok to try it. Though I insist on the patio door being left open so I can make my escape fast if things get scary! ;)

Oh and you know I'd come and hold your paw anytime you want my sweet Marie, or better yet curl up with you somewhere warm and dry! :)

Tigs is mad not caring about getting wet, just so he can go outside...