I've been thinking today that this innocent look hides many naughty tricks... You see My Mummy was woken up at 3:16am by the "Escape Committee" having escaped and caused my poor 'sis to scream the house down while trying to herd the three miscreants! Following a number of other escape attempts made as soon as My Mummy and Dad started to fall back to sleep, they gave up and rearranged the furniture in their bedroom... As soon as they finished this and started to settle once more, with me well snuggled between them the kittens worked out the rules for "Thundering Herd of Elephants" and started playing... I think this was beastly of them as it started My Mummy and Dad laughing and this disturbed my snuggle and beauty sleep! Then of course the birdies woke up and because it was obvious that My Mummy and Dad were awake Tigmut'hep decided to come and join the fun! ;) This meant that he trampled all over the bed and jumped into the window (opening the curtains to make sure My Mummy and Dad were now fully awake) and started talking to the birdies... Not to be out done I had to go join him, as did Isis, while keeping half an eye on the kittens who were still playing "Thundering Herd of Elephants".
I think it'll come as little surprise to all your beans that My Mummy has been reduced to living off of tea and coffee today in an effort to keep herself awake! Dad got about 2 hrs more sleep than Mummy so is fairing a little better, but I think I may well be in for an early night of bed snuggling with My Mummy tonight! :) See something good always comes out of something not so good... ;)
I love team work!
Wow, the kittens are really learning how to be proper cats! And yep, Ramses, that innocent adorable face definitely hids naughtiness! Merlin has the art of looking cute mastered, so that our humans don't stay mad at him when he's naughty.
Wow! Those babies sure know how to have fun. hee hee
It sounds like you had a very crazy and adventurous night!
your house sounds wilder than ours. we have to work harder!
Hehehe....oh how fun it must be! I could cause so much trouble with so many tiny little critters to blame.
Holy Cats, you big kittys has taught the little ones the best behavior for later in life! Just becarefuls, sometimes the Mom's get demandings (and puts you in bed likes mine did!)
It sure didn't take them long to learn to play the game! And the best game for a group to play..I have a hard time playing THoE by myself, you see.
P.S. Happy Sleeping!
I think you will be getting more and more busy more than ever!
Clearly, they are highly evolved kittens!
Kittens are famous for getting into all kinds of adventures!!!! We agree the innocent look goes very far in melting everyones hearts!
Why do you let them run wild like that? You noisy big cats are not setting a good example! You should teach them to hide quietly behind furniture and chew lamp cords and baseboards. You should teach them to sneek into closets and chew shoes. They should at least be adept at unstuffing throw pillows by the time they are weaned.
Those kittens are really keeping you awake! When Yaffa had kittens, we had no sleep too! The kittens were so active at 4am running around. We barely slept!
Oh man, that sounds like soooooooooo much fun!! I may not be able to go online much nowadays, but I hope you'll be ok with me teleportin' often to be with you!!!
~Marie xo
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