Thursday, 28 October 2010

Bad Mummy, Good Book!

Sorry for being away from Blogging for so long, but My Mummy's been mega busy with 'life' and lots of other stuff that's meant I've had to take to napping in her office to get enough attention! :(

As some of you will know or vaguely remember, My Mummy as long been helping an Author change genre and get her first Fantasy Fiction series off the ground. Basically My Mummy's been doing research, listening to and talking over bits of plot and story line, just offering a sounding board so to speak as well as needing to be on cheerleader duties when it's all seemed too much to ever accomplish... Anyway Julia's labour are here and in print at long last! :)

'Dawn of Darkness' is just the beginning of a planned 10 book series, with the 2nd book 'Curse of Night' being published in just a few weeks time. In fact book 3 is well on it's way to being publishable, while book 4 is about half written at present. So no need to worry about reading one book only to find you have ages and ages to wait until book 2 hits the shelves! Being a feline with an avid (if not obsessive) reader as their Mummy that was my greatest worry (after all she lays still and let's me get really comfy when engrossed in a good book), hence the fact that Julia is well ahead on her writing schedule and can keep this pace up too, her feline assistant Patches makes sure of this, by sharpening her claws on Julia's chair if she doesn't type fast enough! ;)

There will be an Official website up within a few weeks too, thanks to the good folk at Red Dragon IT and My Mummy putting in a good deal of time and effort to it.

Sorry if I've been away so long... But it's a hard life being the prototype for a whole new fantasy feline species! Oh yes, me and all of Abyssinian kind will be there larger than life in this series, starting from book 3 where one of us shows himself for the first time. Though never fear we'll be back in more detail in book 4 and on through the rest of the series! :)

I hope you all love these books as much as I do, and find your humans willing to read them for hours at a time, giving you plenty of lap time!

They are currently available from as well as Arima Publishing, plus any book store can order them in for you! :)


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh how wonderful. now, we just have to steal a credit card from the mom, get online, order the book and then learn how to read. MOL

we've missed you!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are the prototype! Oh it must be a good book! I can't wait! I shall tell the Woman to put it on my holiday wish list!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

UNCLE RAMSES!!!! We have missed you so! We must get #1 to order the book right away!!!

The Chans

Ramses said...

I hope you find all your humans put there feet up and make a good comfy for you all when reading the book, after all that has been my aim in letting My Mummy be involved in this from the start... The more felines who have cuddles with their Mummy's because of the books the better! ;) Oh I am so excited about book's 3 and 4 where my big self comes to life in the form of a Mystcat! :) Just the right size for getting my way and being able to cuddle My Mummy all night... Well Daddy'd have a hard time moving me in Mystcat form! ;)


Team Tabby said...

We will tell mombean to be on the lookout for these books!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Gotcha Day Ramses!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Happy HAPPY Gotcha Day Ramses!


Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

That sounds like a pawsome book! Today is your gotcha day and we wanted to come say Happy Day TO YOU! Many purrs!
Luna & Zulu

The Lee County Clowder said...

Happy gotcha Day, Rames.

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ramses!

Silver MLM said...

Happy New Year!
Kenneth Copeland

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Birthday Ramses!!!

Karen Jo said...

Happy Birthday, Ramses. I hope you are all doing just fine.

Team Tabby said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ramses!


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Those books sound pawsome we will have to add them to Mommy's to read list. Happy Gotcha Day Ramses.

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Ramses!

Selina said...

Ramses, you & Isis may remember my Aby brofur, Feisal, from Catster! I'm his sisfur, Selina! I just wanted to say I love your blog and in my blog for today's entry, I nominated you for an award!

Please check it out when you get the chance, and say meowlo to Isis for me. MomKatt loves looking at your furramly and we're glad you're here as we don't see you on Catster much.

You're looking as handsome as ever!

Selina & MomKatt Laura

PS - You may recall my Aby sisfur, Livia (the blue Aby). MomKatt had to send her to The Bridge last Thurs., so we no longer have any Abys in our house. :( It's really made MomKatt very sad.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Hey there! Just found out 'bout you through Selina. CONGRATULATIONS on your award! purrs

Everycat said...

We are sending Ramses family love and rumbly purrs. We are sad that he went to The Bridge. We remember him from very long ago. He was a very handsome boy

We don't have FB so hope you see our comment here.

Mungo & The Ape

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Ramses - you held a special spot in my heart. When you reached out to TT and "talked" I knew you were a special guy. Soar high handsome - I hope you and TT play at the bridge.

Mom Laure

TimberLove said...

We stopped to paw our condolences, soft husky wooooos,

RA, Isis & Nanük

Timmy Tomcat said...

Purrs Ramses.

Selina said...

Purrs Ramses! Yes, MomKatt loves to read so I get PLENTY of lap time while she's off in her brain somewhere else!
