I was tagged by
TT a fellow lovely Abyssinian, to do the middle name meme.
My middle name is Sir, well after all my full name is Ch. Myleenus Sir Lynxalot.
Here is how it works:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged.)
S - Stunning, sexy, snuggly, superb and most of all Sorrel through and through!
I - Irresistible, irrepressible though occasionally irrational when it comes to My Mummy!
R - Rare, regal and as My Mummy sometimes says at 4am, a right royal bed hog!
I would like to tag:
Daisy - 'cause she's always so interesting and I fink she wears purrty dresses! :)
Miss Peach - 'cause she's Isis bestest friend and Official Lady in Waiting! :)
Yao-Lin - 'cause he always makes me laugh, even though I feel very sorry for him and his sufferings...