Today we are all very quiet here thinking of our sweet friend, and Isis fur-sister,
TT as she crosses over the bridge with the help and guidance of her loving Mom... While
TT had only come to live with her family a little less than 2 years ago, she has made a big place in all their hearts. Having rescued her they have a special bond and had promised to fill her life with happiness and love. We know that they have done this and in helping her take her final journey they are continuing to do this to the very end...
TT may be leaving them physically, but her love has forever changes them for the better, they now have a sweet baby bean and a little woofie Jake - things they probably didn't think possible before
TT came to live with them. We Abys have a way of making everything seem possible you know, that and our gift for incredible acts of love and trust. So while we know
TT's family will be very sad right now and are probably leaking even more than My Mummy, we trust that this will pass and that the good times and love will be remembered forever...
Goodbye sweet girl, may your crossing be eased by the knowledge that you have and will always be loved...
Oh dearest Ramses...I am ever so heartbroken to know our sweet TT has gone on her final journey. You have written such a fine tribute to her today...{{{BIG HUGS}}}to you and Isis as I know you both loved her so much.
Thank you for coming to see me today...I needed you near as I am very sad today....
I love you so much...Miss Peach
We are so very sad to hear bout TT, especially #1 who lost "the one who came before", also an Aby, 11 months ago. Abys give a very special kind of love and they fill the house with a golden aura. TT will always be with her Mom.
Sen-Chan, Tom and #1
That is very sad to hear about TT.
I love TT and I am very sad that she must go to the Rainbow Bridge. I think she can play with Fatty now.
Thanks so much fur writing those dearest words about our cousin TT. It made our mommy, her auntie, leak too.
Thank you, I am sure if TT's meow could be heard right now, she'd approve!
I am relieved that she no longer hurts but sad that I am unable to have her with me.
Laure (Mommy Bean)
It made me very very sad to hear of TT yesterday.... She will be happy at the rainbow bridge - it is always soooo hard for the ones who are left behind, we know....
Mrs. OZ
Don't miss my post tomorrow!
Oh no, this is so sad. xxx
What a wonderful tribute, Ramses. It's so sad when kitties cross over. My agent Paula just lost her wonderful Miss Molly, who was 18.
I felt very sad for her beans.
We gave you and Isis an award!
~ Molly ~
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