Saturday, 13 October 2007

Saner Saturday...

I'd like to thank everykitty for trying to explain about the vishus low flying hippos and honestly I do understand that there are a couple of different types of hippos. That makes sense as there are lots of different types of cat! But I'm still pretty sure they're all being vishus and it's worrying that they might trying and fly...

As for these ancient Greeks calling their horses "Hippos", well that's like calling everykitty a wolf! :( It's weird and doesn't really make sense, even if it's a well known fact that humans get daft when they get older! I guess it just goes to show that by the time they get really ancient like those Greeks they just go mighty strange! ;)

Anyway that's enough finking for a Saturday, Saturday's are for snugglin'! Plus it's something I know I'm really good at! First I snuggled with Mummy, then I teleported over to Canada and snuggled My Marie, then I came back for a snuggle with 'sis and Mummy... Now I think I'd better go snuggle 'sis some more before Mummy makes our dinner! :)


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Snuggling is a great thing to do on a Saturday. :) I hope you get in a lot of good cuddles with your mom.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so glad that you are doing better~!!!!!

Snuggling is an excellent action doing with your family members, wish you have great weekend ever~!

Gemini said...

Enjoy your snuggling Saturday Ramses!

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, sounds like you're having a super snuggly Saturday! I am snuggling with Mom now. Nothing beats a good snuggle!

Purrs and snuggles *giggle* from Marilyn!

Team Tabby said...

We love to get snacks in between our Saturday snuggling!

Lux said...

I'm sort of confused about vishus hippos myself, but I hope you had a wonderful day snuggling!