Thursday, 18 December 2008
Thinking Thursday - Step 5 - Operation Daddy!
You see male beans are not as intuitive as the females and this is why we need to put in that little bit of extra effort into training them. As most of you will know a female bean pretty much knows what is going on inside your head most of the time and can therefore anticipate your needs and demands. There are of course come female beans such as my poor long suffering friend Yao-lin's slave who are not so well equipped in this department, after studying this and Isis interviewing the slave, I have come to believe it's some form of retardation... See Yao-lin, it's not your fault she's untrainable! ;) However most males are trainable if you put in the initial effort...
So now you have a clicker and a supply of treats and a Daddy who is desirous of your attention. Soon you will be able to get him to click and offer you a treat as and when you require one. Oh yes with a little effort your Daddy will become very well clicker trained and will understand the need to get it out at regular intervals throughout the day. His reward for clicking the clicker and giving you a treat will be your brief tolerance of him being close to you and maybe, just maybe you headbutting him - remember not to give him too much attention too soon or he'll loose his driving desire to do what it takes to get your attention too. Oh and it never hurts to go over to your Mummy after he's been feeding you treats and start falling all over her and smothering her in love, affection and furs!
This weeks motto for Training a Better Daddy is: keep 'em keen and treat 'em mean!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Belated Mancat Moanday
I guess the good news is that Isis is back, even if she smells strange - regardless of My Mummy's efforts to give her a good dry bath before bringing her home! I guess it coud be worse, but it takes me ages to get Isis smelling just right and it takes effort you know... Firstly I have to sniff her all over to assess the damage and then I have to give her a bit of a groom, then it's off to bed for her so that she picks up the lovely scent of My Mummy's bed! Then it's making her fuss D'boy, Dad and My Mummy to pick up the right mixture of their scents, add to that a hint of cat food and a few Tigmut'hep licks and she'll be getting close to smelling correct - but it's going to take me days!
Anyway back to training Daddy I think - I guess I've been neglecting my training sessions with him what with Isis being away and all... Oh well never fear I shall have Daddy feeding me from the plam of his hand in no time! ;)
PS: I hear I have some post to inspect later! :) Thanks to everycat who has sent us a KissMouse Card and to the Beans who've been sending Mummy postcards - we just love to sniff those they're so interesting! :)
Monday, 8 December 2008
Mancat Monday
Anyway I have just finished helping My Mummy write KissMouse cards to the Kittens and their families so I guess I had better accept the fact that she'll be going out later to post them... Oh and tomorrow I have Daddy home all day, as Mummy's having another injection of cortisone in her bad shoulder to see if they can make it work again! I hope they do get it working as it's my fave cuddle shoulder/armpit and it's just no good with it half frozen in place...! :(
Monday, 1 December 2008
Manflu Monday - Step 4 - Operation Daddy!
Well it seems I have Daddy just where I want him at present, his defences are low and he's in the mood for laying around under a pile of blankets! I shall therefore be putting in quite some time and effort to his training today... ;) I think I shall start with the demand feeding and maybe work on up to clicker training if he starts to improve later today! :) Oh yes you really do have to take advantage of all your Daddy's weaknesses to get one perfectly trained... ;)
Now come on Daddy, my belly wants a rubbing, get it right or I'll just have to disembowel your forearm! Oi, that bit of blanket is MINE, you really do have to learn to share Daddy! ;)
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Step 3 - Operation Daddy!
Your Daddy will now also let you get away with more at bedtime as his need to please you will have greatly increased when you agreed to let him feed you treats on demand. Use this to your advantage and get yourself the prime bed location for sleeping and fussing each night you feel like it now! Once your Daddy has accepted the fact that you should at all time remain firmly snuggles between him and your Mummy, he will start to find it hard to sleep without you... Soon you will be called to bed and offered time to settle and get yourself comfy before he calls it a night, don't give in too quickly and remember to make him work for every inch you give so that he fully appreciates the privilege!
Soon you'll be ready for the next step...
Today marks my 3rd Gottcha Day, so I shall be making my demands known very loudly - so far this has resulted in a late night bowl of Applaws last night and some Reindeer Pate food for breakfast, so keep up the good work and know it will one day pay off big time! :)
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Step 2 - Operation Dad
Step Two:

Operation Dad should continue along the same lines as you've already gone to pains to establish. That of your adoration of you Mummy and general acceptance of any strange females who come to visit, while grumping at him and avoiding him where ever possible. You can now add in the occasional hiss, directed at your Daddy bean if he comes too close to you. You must convince him that he is persona non grata to really make this work! Now you might also like to try out the full ears back treatment just to make 100% sure that he feels unwanted and most sincerely unworthy of your affections. During this time, never once forget to fuss your Mummy and show her undying devotion on an epic scale! This will add to your Daddy bean's frustration and a growing desire to be one of your "chosen few", if you feel it's necessary even start to let some male visitors fuss you while rejecting your Daddy totally. Oh yes your Daddy must feel total and utter rejection, even bordering on thought that you might actually hate him! Soon you will see he'll be putty in your paws... ;)
Now that you've built your rejection of your Dad's advances to a massive crescendo, his self esteem has hit rock bottom and he can clearly see that you have replaced him in your Mummy's affections too; phrases like "I'm going to bed early tonight dear, the cat wants to cuddle, don't bother coming up early yourself you know he doesn't like that" should start appearing. When this happens you'll be ready for Step 3 as at last your Dad will know his place in life! :)
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Ten Steps to a Better Dad! ;)
Step One:
Operation Dad should commence with the establishment of a few basic facts, mainly that you see your Mummy as a far superior bean. In fact it will help your cause to flaunt yourself at any strange lady who happens to come and visit, this will establish in your Dad's mind a feeling of deep inferiority - this should trigger his male desire to always be better than most women at stuff! ;) Walking past your Dad and ignoring him while focusing lavish attention on your Mummy will only but enhance this feeling to grow within him. When snuggling in bed with your Mummy, make sure that you always give your Dad a goodly view of your butt, especially after consuming large amounts of volatile cat food if you get my drift! ;) There is after all nothing quite like a good blast of bad cat gas to gain a persons attention... Now remember to cuddle close to your Mummy during the night and push hard with your paws against your Dad, so that he knows your trying to usurp his position in bed. By now he should be utterly convinced that you're Mummy's little lover boy and he's barely tolerated at best. You'll need to keep this up for a while if you really wish to train your Dad, as bean men are notoriously stubborn about changing their ways...
Once your Dad is totally convinced that you barely tolerate his existence, you too will be ready for the second step towards a Better Dad! Drop by next week to find out how to start moulding your Dad into the kind of Daddy a cat really wants... :)
Monday, 10 November 2008
Mancat Monday Moaning...
Mummy keeps telling me it's not going to take a long time and it's going to help her left shoulder that hasn't worked properly in about 12 months now... Honestly I don't see a problem with the shoulder myself, I mean she can still snuggle and fuss me - so what's all this about seriously restricted range of movement and a need for "Fizzy-O" and then a cortisone injection? The last I heard cortisone's what they used to try and stop Tigmut'hep over grooming his belly, I'm sure I'd have noticed if My Mummy was over grooming her own belly too! ;) So why all the fuss and bother? Really what they need to do is put her on complete bed rest with hot feline therapy sessions and by that I don't mean my naughty little sister burrowing her way down the bed in the middle of the night to lick My Mummy's arms before crawling off to sleep by Dad's legs... Oh no I mean my snuggling in My Mummy's arms for hours on end - I mean surely there's nothing else out there that couold possibly make her feel as good as that?! ;)
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Well again Wednesday!
Anyway just to prove that as soon as the drops had ended I was over my sulks at her, last night I squirmed down the bed and made myself really comfy and warm all snuggled up against her side with my little nose being all you could see above the covers! ;) Well it was cold and snowy here and I'm not one for holding a grudge when there's a nice warm patch to be had you know... :)
Friday, 24 October 2008
Well at least Mummy'd arranged for it to be a Lady Vet, and one who appreciated my good looks and superior character. In fact the only thing wrong with her, was the fact that she hasn't learnt to talk Abyssinian, so she couldn't understand me when I told her to get her great big pink paws off of my gorgeous sorrel furs! But she did make the examination quick and of course My Mummy was by my side the whole time, so it's a trauma I will get over in time... well ok will enough treats applied! ;) Anyway Sue the receptionist is well on her way to understanding quite a bit of Abyssinian and fully understood me when I told Mummy that she could think again if she thought I'd co-operate when it came to drop application time. Nope I wasn't going to give in to her bribary, not no way... So other than my itchy eye and the nasty drops, I've been doing rather well this week with 24/7 access to the bed and lots of yummy treats, including some ducky jerky for kitties! :)
Oh well off to claim some more treats as I gather I'm needed for another round of torture and the application of a medicated drop to my right eye... Then I think I'll have a nap in the bed with my 'sis before lunch!
Just remember Mummy I'm not going back to the Lady Vet or any Vet for that matter, even if the Lady Vet comes from High River, AB and knows a lot of the places you used to live in!
Monday, 13 October 2008
Mancat Monday...
Additionally we were abandoned for about 90 squillion hours on Saturday, while My Mummy went to the bean vets for her annual shots and then all the family went off for the day to help Dad's Mum tidy up her garden in time for winter.

So to the week ahead... Today it Mummy's last day before turning older once more, so I shall expect more cuddling later and yet more on her big day tomorrow. Hopefully Dad will make her breakfast in bed so I don't have to get up so early, though I'm not sure he'll go as far as bringing me my bowl up with him too! ;)
Anyway I think that's all for now and I'm about ready for my first nap of the day.
It's a hard life being a cat... ;)
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Thinking Thursday 13...
1. I just LOVE My Mummy's new bed, it's soooooo comfy.
2. Why did My Mummy have to get up, I was soooooo comfy.
3. Why does Dad have to take up so much room, if he'd move over a foot or two I'd be even more comfy! ;)
4. Why does Isis have to be in a playful mood when I'm soooooo sleepy?
5. Why did Tigmut'hep get up, it's practically unnatural? ;)
6. Why isn't the catnip growing as well now, it's just not fair... :(
7. How come Tigmut'hep always manages to get the largest portion at breakfast, he's such a piggy!
8. Why is Tigmut'hep obsessed with his own belly?
9. How come Isis keeps on talking about boys as soon as the weather starts getting cooler?
10. How many kittens will she have in her next litter and can I play with them all? :)
11. Will I get extra treats for being a good Uncle from My Mummy?
12. When do the clocks change so I can have an extra hour in bed with My Mummy?
13. How much longer is it until bedtime, I'm soooooo sleepy? (ok so I shouldn't have stayed up most of the night playing chase with my 'sis....)
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Thinking Thursday...

Monday, 29 September 2008
Mancat and Manflu Monday
Other than that Mummy fed me the bestest chicken ever this weekend and it seems all the family have clubed together to buy us cats some nice new beds and pillows to match! Oh yes, Tigmut'hep has a soft and comfy new single bed that he likes to share with D'boy, while Isis and I have a brand new memory foam double bed sized matress arriving later in the week, though we already have some very nice new soft fluffy pillows to share with My Mummy and Dad... We're both very excited about the imminant arrival of the new matress as it's supposed to mold to our bodies and kind of cradle us as we sleep! It took ages for Dad and My Mummy to find just the right one for us, so I hope they got it right - after all a cat likes to be very comfy when it sleeps! :)
Thursday, 25 September 2008
A Mancat's work is never done...
So I have been up and awake much of the night making sure that My Mummy had somekitty to snuggle with, while she turned from hot to cold and back again and Dad wheezed, coughed and gave off more radiant heat than a total nuclear meltdown on his side of the bed! Even D'boy is sick and whiny, so much so that even Tigmut'hep can't interest him in a game of toy cars or Lego...
I must say Isis is being a good little nurse kitty too, she now wants a cute little "candy stripe" uniform, though I've told her she can't have one until she still can resit putting the bitey on a moving toe under the covers! ;) Well it's most off putting to have your sick patient suddenly bolt upright and screaming, when you've just got them nice and settled and were starting to doze off too...
Friday, 19 September 2008
Fun Friday

Monday, 15 September 2008
Mancat Monday

ÖkoPlus is currently the only clumping litter that is both compostable and biodegradable and because it is made from organic fibre, it is much lighter and easier to handle than comparable mineral litter. This in turn saves on transport costs and makes ÖkoPlus a truly environmentally friendly litter. What's more it's also velvety soft on the paws and darn good for digging around in! :) The other thing that's good is that because it clumps so well it lasts about 3 times as long as any other wood or paper pulp based cat litter (apparently this saves money, which can be spent on cat food and 'nip!), oh and it doesn't track too much and isn't all dusty and horrid either...
I think you'll all agree this is far better than a photo of one of us using the litter box! ;)
Our next environmentally sound product of choice here has just gotta be Bozita cat meat, it's just so darn yummy for a start and comes in easy to open and recyclable Tetra Packages, so it's also light weight and easy to store beacuse of it's shape. The other benifits that Bozita provides a perfectly balanced diet for your pet's entire life cycle. This food is made exclusively from 93% fresh lean Swedish meat - which means it's antibiotic and hormone free and none of the chickens have been battery farmed or had their beaks clipped! There are no artificial colours, flavourings or preservatives, no nasty sugar in it, is wheat gluten free, while containing a high level of taurine to look after our eyes and reproductive systems (ok that last benifit is a bit lost on Tigmut'hep and myself, but it's great for Isis). It also contains a natural betaglucan they call Macrogard® to help keep us fit and healthy as it boosts our immune systems. Oh and did I mention that it's incredibally tasty or that the Terta packs are made to reseal between meals?! It comes in a whole host of tasty flavours too, like reindeer which is Tigmut'hep's fave!
Again don't you think this is so much better than a photo of Tigs with his face in a big bowl of food?! ;)
Though not wishing to dissapoint anycat, here's a shot of Tigmut'hep after a heavy night on the 'nip! All our 'nip is organically grown by My Mummy and harvested at it's peak, carefully dried and snorted in abundance by our housemate and self confessed addict...
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Tattle Tail Tuesday

This first photo is my very first meeting with Isis on July 14th last year when she arrived home with My Mummy and Dad. We never hissed at each other, not even once - well

Within just 10 days we were both snuggling with My Mummy at night and spending much of our time together, even though she was 6 months old we found we had lots in common as well as sharing the same Father!

Then just when I think life is as good as it gets she goes and produces a litter of cute little Aby kittens for me to help her raise! :) It's such a privilege

Monday, 8 September 2008
Mancat Monday...
Yes, 'sis got lots more purrty Rosettes after winning her Open Class, getting Best of Breed, winning the Any Colour Aby Not Bred by Owners class, coming a very respectable 2nd in the Foreign Junior Adult class and finally 3rd in a huge class cats not coming from the local area that the show was held in! Oh and she won a mousie toy too as well as a gorgeous golden coloured Challenge Certificate that makes the 2nd of the 3 she needs to gain her Champion title like I did ages ago before I had My Mummy... The good thing is the fame isn't going to her head, and she was happy to get her nose into the bowl with Tigmut'hep and me still as we scoffed the Applaws! :)
Talking about chicken, my silly Mummy forgot to put the roasty chicken in the oven for 2 hrs - well the 2 hrs thing was Dad's fault as he was supposed to call her after 45 mins and didn't and Mummy just carried on doing some housework that needed doing... Anyway the Sunday roast was eventually cooked, but it was pretty late which meant I had to eat my dinner before the chicken was cooked and so had to have a second dinner made up from some of the chicken stock and roasty chicken - what a hardship! ;) Anyway you'll be pleased to know I somehow managed to scoff all the chicken with just a little help from Isis and Tigmut'hep... :) The really good thing is it was a big chicken and so there'll be more of it later in the week!!!
Come to Ramses little chicken you know I love you...
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Terrific Tuesday - Happy Birthday Merlin!
We are however keeping plenty of soft food on hand as our friend Baby Mao has hurt his jaw and chipped a big tooth and seems to have lost a little one! :( While there will be a large bucket of KFC to keep HRH Yao-lin going before My Mummy manages to cook us all some juicy turkey! :) You can all test our yummy Reindeer Paté too, it's just the best! :)
Monday, 1 September 2008
Mancat Monday Moan...
It seems that she'd worked out fast that since the paint was nearly dry she could probably get most of it off with my lovely sctitchy brush! :) Well you all know that I love to be brushed, so what had once looked like a complete disaster and seemed to be about to be compounded by the horrors of the bath, could in fact be sorted by having My Mummy give me a darn good brushing and then grudgingly letting her carefully rub the remaining paint off my face furs.
So after a good deal of brushing and quite some careful rubbing of the fur around my face that got painted I am pretty much back to normal and looking mighty gorgeous. While there is a little incresed lightness where the paint once was a few more brushing sessions and I'll be good as new. See Dad I didn't need a nasty bath and I no longer need to put a contract out on you! ;)
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Two Aby's Tuesday...

So you see we are all very busy around here and about to do a big service for worried Kitty Bloggers everywhere! Once that's dealt with we'll be back to snoopervising the decoration of two of our favourite rooms in the house, yes the kitchen and the dinning room - those vital rooms where food is prepared and served. So paws crossed that the weather is good as our litter boxes will have to go out into the cat run during much of the time the renovations are going on and I do so hate icky wet fur and rain!
Oh well back off to My Mummy's bed for cuddle with those I love most. Having just heard of the loss of sweet baby Violette I feel a little bit of family together time is needed. Never take those you love for granted, shower them in fur every day, so they always know that they are loved deeply...
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
We'z sad on Wednesday...
Goodbye sweet girl, may your crossing be eased by the knowledge that you have and will always be loved...
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Totally Beastly Tuesday...
Anyway I went on to have lots of fusses from Mummy and a really good snuggle in bed with her even though it's very hot here, so she at least was forgiven - especially when she gave me my morning brushing in the bath, oh how I love to squirm around in the bath while being brushed good and hard - it's just the best way to start the day! :) Way too soon the brushing was over and Mummy was back to getting herself ready for the day ahead, but in the after glow of a good brushing I didn't notice that she'd turned the shower on until it was way too late and I was already in the bath getting myself very wet indeed! :( Oh the indignity of it all... There is sit looking more like a red hedgehog than a cat, suddenly thankful for the hot weather as my coat dries off. The only upside to all this is that Isis has stopped moaning about wanting a mancat, but I do wish it wasn't because she's too busy giggling at me to think of anything else... ;) One small mercy is that Mummy didn't get her camera out to record this moment of deep distress for posterity!
Monday, 21 July 2008
Mancat Monday
Oh well at least she'll be getting a few early nights in as everyone is very tired after the weekend and I hear they're all planning on getting up early on Wednesday to take D'Boy to his "hairyplain" or what ever it is he has to catch at Gatwick! Early nights mean more snuggling for me and early mornings mean breakfast served at a decent hour for a change, so they'll have no fuss from me about it all... ;)
Hopefully I'll be able to blog properly again before the week is out, if not by the beginning of next week once they're sort of back to normal here... For now I think I'll go make sure that Mummy made the bed properly this morning, while she finishes off the laundry! ;)
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Tails on Tuesday

I was born in Bristol and spent my first few months of life living there with my momma cat and dad too. When I was a few months old I went to live with some other people in Kent, they were nice too but as I got bigger and older and started getting urges that would put Skeezix ones to shame I started to have to live in my own little house and run. I liked that a little less than the big house, but got used to it ok in the end when they let some of the girl cats from the house come and visit me. This was mighty good for my urges, but as soon as I'd eer dealt with the urges the girl cats left me and went back to live in the big house. I liked this bit less... Though I was offered other companion cats they didn't wanna help me with my urges, so I didn't think much of that as you can guess! ;) Then they started taking me to cat shows and to start with they were kind of ok, but soon I got sick of the judges all that picking me up and looking at me - well it's not for this mancat I can tell you! So I tried the bitey and they left me alone and told my owners about it, saying that if I put the bitey on one of them again I would be banned from attending shows. So hearing that I made sure to give the big tall man judge that I didn't like a really good taste of the bitey at the next chance I got! ;) So that ended my show carrier shortly after I'd been made a Champion.
Next I had a strange girl come and visit me, she didn't smell at all right so I got really, really cross and told her to go home and leave me alone in no uncertain terms... Apparently I was supposed to like her just like I did the house girls who helped with my urges?! Sorry, but I'm one picky mancat and soon became one cranky mancat as they tried to introduce another visiting girl to me.
Next I know I was having my bits removed to see if that would make me a happy boy again... That was it as far as I was concerned, I was quite happy having my bits thank you all very much! So I decided to lash out at everyone as they just weren't listening to my complaints or meeting my needs... Soon no one could or would touch me as they were scared that I'd put the bitey on them, this made me desperatly sad so in the end they decided to see if they could find me a proper Mummy with the time and courage to deal with my issues and help me be a happy boy once more. Luckily for them My Mummy phoned to see if they had any Abys needing rehoming and after a long talk on the phone with the man, and then the lady phoning Mummy when she got home too, they arranged a visit for me! :)
It was just 3 days later that My Mummy arrived to see me in person. The lady took her to see me in my special little house over looking the chicken coup (maybe this is the reason for my obsession with chicken?!). At first I was my usual grumpy self and wouldn't let the lady touch me, then I saw My Mummy and started getting brave. Soon I was letting My Mummy touch my furs! The lady was quite shocked by my attitude, but very pleased too as I was letting My Mummy get closer to me than I'd let anyone get in months!
After a squillion hours of talking with the lady and man, My Mummy came back to my house with a carrier and a lovely crochet blanket made just for me! :) Soon I was on my way to live with My Mummy, the tall man who was to become Dad and D'boy...
When I got here I met Tigmut'hep and even though he's known for being the biggest grumper ever known to cat kind he decided he felt sorry for me... Soon he was showing me how to play games and when ever I got really scared he'd come running over to check up on me and give me a pep talk - so you see he really can be a sweet boy too when he wants - just don't tell him you know this ok?! ;) I can't say it was over night, but over time I started to relax and soon I was starting to fuss My Mummy and purr. Then I started to sit on My Mummy and purr too! Now I just throw myself at My Mummy and cover her in furs while purring like a mad thing, because she made my life so much better than it was before... :)
Before I met My Mummy I'd pretty much lost all trust in humans and was scared stiff of girly cats too. But with time and love I have learnt to be the cat I really wanted to be all along... I now have My Mummy to love as well as my own sweet little half-sister to cuddle up to and play with. Tigmut'hep is still my bestest buddy even though he's Da'Boss here and didn't like my 'sis for ages. I'm the one who got him to change his views on lady cats it seems, so have returned the favour he gave me when I first arrived here... :)
Now I'm a happy, healthy and very playful mancat. I've even been back to visit the lady and man who used to own me and they were so impressed as I'd let them fuss me like I had as a kitten, all that fear and anger was gone and I was the real me again all thanks to My Mummy and their good judgement in placing me with her! :) The man and lady still breed Abys and have helped My Mummy at every turn in making her dream of breeding Abys come true. They have also just promised My Mummy that when the time is right for her they will try and breed her the right stud cat to keep for Isis and her daughters that stay with us over time. Mummy hopes to one day be able to help more with Aby Welfare to pay back the help and friendship she's been shown since my adoption, but for now she's plenty busy enough with us cats, showing, breeding and writing for a cat magazine...
So there you have it sweet TT, the story of how I came to live here and

Monday, 14 July 2008
Mancat Monday Meme - Fridge Meme
Here are the rules:
A fun and simple MEME for the hot summer. Show us a photo of the front of your Cold Box (Fridge) and tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it! Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL!

Because he insisted I'm also adding Tigmut'hep's favourite saying on the fridge... Sadly he thinks because the photo on it is of a black cat who looks quite a lot like him it means we should all worship him! This of cause makes Isis slightly interesting ideas on getting her own way seem compleatly sane in comparison! ;)

Oh and as you all know our fridge is full of yummy catnip jelly and turkey chunks in jelly too that Mummy made us late last week! Sadly we have nearly eaten all the turkey chunks in jelly, but we have plenty of 'nip jelly still left to have as a cool lunchtime snack or to add to our meals to make sure that Tigmut'hep take on enough fluid in the hotter weather - the silly boy doesn't seem to like drinking much and sometimes makes himself unwell because of it... Luckily we all get to eat the 'nip jelly though! :)
Friday, 11 July 2008
Food on Friday
500g Chicken or Turkey meat - other meat works too if you have a preference or just some spare
2 tbsp Pudding Rice - any rice will do really
3 pints Water
4 tbsp Dried home-grown Catnip leaves, cut that to 4 tsp if you're using the finer cut up commercial dry catnip or you'll all wind up like Tigmut'hep! ;)
3 packets of gelatine or enough to set 3 pints of fluid
Cube up the meat and put in a large pot of pressure cooker (Mummy has special little baskets for her pressure cooker, each basket holds about 250g of cubed up meat the right amount for one tray of turkey terrine or chunks in jelly). Add the rice, water and about 1/2 of the catnip. Cook until the meat is nice and tender and the rice is done, allow to cool a little and add the remaining catnip leaves to the stock/tea. Remove the meat and most of the rice and put in a container or two, next take 1 pint of stock/tea at a time and add 1 packet of gelatine to each - stirring until dissolved. Pour in enough to cover the meat in it's containers and then take the rest and pour that and any remaining rice onto the other containers (nice flat bottomed shallow ones make it easy to cut off bits and serve without it sticking) . Now just leave to cool, once cool refrigerate until set. Serve as desired or freeze some for a later date (defrost before serving).
This recipe gives enough for 2 containers of meat jelly or terrine (just liquidize the meat and rice in the stock/tea and jelly solution for terrine), and 3 of jelly that is great as a treat in the summer to assist in keeping your cat adequately hydrated and cool. It also makes a good placebo meal for a cat who's living with kittens and wants to join in at every meal time without causing them to gain too much weight! If you want to feed your cat like this on a regular basis you need to add a good quality vitamin supplement to the jelly, containing turine, biotin and the like. It's also a good idea to add in a little processed cooked carrot to help achieve a more balanced meal including dietary fiber. As the recipe is it's just good as a hydrating treat and the meat in jelly or terrine can be used along side a top quality dry food as a part of their daily meat.
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Thinking Thursday
The other thing I've been thinking about is the fact that we've not had enough summer fun treats recently! While I understand that Mummy's trying to keep an eye on my weight after my attempts at eating for 4 during Isis pregnancy, a Mancat still needs his summer time treats or he might fade away... ;) So I've been helping My Mummy think and gather that she'll be making us some chicken stock and catnip jelly that we can snack on when it's warm - how cool is that?! :)
This got me to thinking about how much I love My Mummy, which resulted in her noticing my claws were a little sharp and I was decididly furry! :S Yep, I had a pawdicure, a light bath and a good grooming - all under a goodly degree of protest I might add... Oh well I still love My Mummy, 'cause I got to sleep in my best cuddle spot all night with her 'cause apparently I small really nice now! :)
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Tribute on Tuesday

Monday, 30 June 2008
Mancat Monday
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Thursday Thirteen
1. Mummy says she didn't bite the Dr.
2. Mummy says she didn't even scratch the Dr.
3. Mummy didn't even scream the surgery down according to Dad!
4. Dad didn't have to chase Mummy and catch her and drag her back to the Dr's for her shot!
5. Mummy didn't need to have a bath when she came home, so I guess she didn't even pee herself with nerves!
6. Mummy didn't have to be bought home from the Dr's in a PTU!
7. Mummy didn't get a treat bikky from Dad for being good at the Dr's! :(
8. I stuck my claws into Mummy's leg so she stopped thinking about her shoulder!
9. I rewarded Mummy for being good by giving her a new fur coat!
10. I rubbed my head against Mummy's shoulder to make it feel better...
11. I didn't bug Mummy for cuddles all night, I just slept quietly between her and Dad!
12. I didn't jump on Mummy like I usually do to wake her up and poke her in the shoulder, I just stood up in bed and asked her to wake up in my bestest voice!
13. I've offered to cuddle with Mummy in bed all day if she wants to rest her shoulder that much, it's a huge sacrifice to make, but I'm a very devoted and loyal kinda mancat so I'm only too pleased to offer this sort of intensive care to My Mummy!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Monday, 23 June 2008
Mancat Monday
The thing I'm a little moody about this week is that My Mummy's got to have a big needle put in her ouchy shoulder on Wednesday morning and after that she's not allowed to do much with that arm for 48 hrs... This means no left handed belly rubs and no sleeping under her arm between her and Dad all night! :( I'm sure I shall wither from neglect during this time of no left handed fussing as I like left handed fussing better than right... I'm not sure if she can cope either! :( I know she needs to rub my belly with her left hand to get to sleep at night for a start... I'm sure the Dr's have it all wrong and fussing with her left hand should be allowed, after all I'm not sure she knows how to do it with her right hand! :S The fear and worry is almost too much for me, I shall have to go for a lay down on her bed until the moment passes...
Oh and my other fear is that Dad can't open a stinky goodness pouch properly! He certainly can't cook properly and so My Mummy is being forced to stock the house with things he can feed them on without poisoning them or burning the house down trying to do... No joking Dad once cooked a frozen pizza with the wrapper still on it! My Mummy might starve and so might I while her shoulder and arm are out of action... No wonder D'boy has left home while this is going on! I mean Yao-lin's slave is a better cook than my Dad and you all know how much he suffers as a result of her cooking! Oh woe is me, I shall soon look like a hard done by and skinny meezer and I may well wind up with food poisoning just like Baby Mao did! :(
Monday, 16 June 2008
Mancat Monday

While Isis was off being beautiful, Tigmut'hep and I had fun babysitting Dandy and Delta here at home. They were pretty good all told and let us eat plenty of their kitten food when the timer bowl opened at lunch and again at dinner time! ;) Oh and when My Mummy and the family came in with some KFC, Tigmut'hep and I got a little of that too - so did the greedy little kittens! ;) Isis had her share too when she got home as she'd not really felt like eating at the show... Mummy says she's going to buy Isis a chicken or some yummy turkey as a treat this week so she can celebrate her 2 wins and 3 2nd place's in real style, along with starting off her rest from the kittens properly! ;) It seems I rather like my sister showing with all these yummy treat dinners we're getting as a result, even Tigmut'hep is becoming a big supporter of her professional modeling career as Isis herself likes to think of it. Oh and yes I have pointed out to Tigmut'hep that if he keeps appreciating the food so much he'll turn into a bigger supporter in no time! ;)
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Belated Mancat Monday

Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Belated Mancat Monday! ;)
It was a good weekend though as Tigmut'hep spent most of it sleeping off the effects of too much catnip at Karl & Ruis's wedding reception! Added to that Dad's away and so I got extra Mummy snuggle time! :) She and D'boy had a number of DVD's to watch and so all us cats piled onto their laps and curled up to watch them. The thing is I gather 4 kittens on one 11 yr old's lap makes for one very hot child, so he had to have a shower before going to bed as he felt all hot and horrid! Not that I can understand why feeling hot should have anything to do with feeling horrid... ;) I think that when Tigs joined in on his lap with the kittens was the exact point at which he reached critical mass and started his nuclear meltdown below his lap blanket! I on the other paw had Mummy pretty much all to myself, although Isis was snuggled up behind Mummy's head! :)
On Sunday Mummy roasted me a chicken! :) It was very tasty and being a good cat I shared MY Chicken with all the other cats here as well as they kittens who made little piggy noises just like Isis does when they ate it! ;) It seems that it must have smelt very yummy as Mummy and D'boy had some of MY Chicken too with some vegetables and roast potatoes, but being a good cat I didn't mind too much as I got 2 large servings of chicken and so slept very soundly on Sunday night. You know I have the bestest dreams when I have a belly full of chicken! :)
Yesterday Mummy helped D'boy get himself ready for back to school today and in the evening we had our kitty sitter Unca' Pete visit us! :) He bought us gifts of kitty milk and nice smells on his trousers, as well as a good lap for the kittens to have a nap on... It seems he likes a lap full of kittens even more than D'boy does! ;)
So after a long weekend of chicken and snuggles D'boy's gone back to school, although I hear that My Mummy and Dad have to take him to his secondary school tomorrow at lunchtime for an interview or something, so I'll have all the family home for a quick lunch before taking D'boy back to school I hope! :) I think I'm actually missing Dad while he's been away... Just promise not to tell him that I love him, ok?! My Mummy can't manage to fuss my back and give me belly rubs in bed at the same time with out Dad and I do so love my combi fussing that I can't wait for him to get home tonight! :) I've saved up lots of furs to apply to his PJ's and an all excited about sniffing his trousers to see what he's been doing... Oh and I hear he may be bringing home a BIG bit of willow tree for the cat run so we can have a tree to climb in it!!!! Oh boy am I going to enjoy that! :) You see with the levels of catnip that Tigmut'hep takes he can't even climb the wire in the run, so I bet he'll make a real mess of tree climbing and I wanna watch it and then show off my skills! ;) Oh yer there's nothing quite a mancat showing off his prowess! :) Talking of a need to show off my mancatly prowess and all that, it's wonderful to have My Marie back after 6 whole weeks away...
Monday, 26 May 2008
Mancat Monday
So Mancat Monday has found me feeling deprived and neglected and in serious need of a snuggle... At this rate I'll be forced to cuddle up to Tigmut'hep and you know that's a last resort and the rather desperate act of an under loved mancat, don't you Mummy!
Yes I know you cooked me sirloin steak last night, but that doesn't make up for the hours of serious deprivation I have suffered, even if Yao-lin would have just loved it and is probably now a meezerly shade of green with envy, it doesn't cut it with me... Nope I want snuggles now and if you don't want to lay down and let me cover you in my lovely furs, I shall pack myself off to the Isle of Wight with D'boy in a few weeks time and see if I can get some there! :P
Monday, 19 May 2008
Mancat Monday
Mummy bought us presents home from the cat show, it seems the nice people at Applaws and Hills wanted to give us all some yummy food to eat! Though the roast pork loin My Mummy cooked for dinner yesterday was even more to my liking, especially with a little gravy added... :) Look I only got a tiny bit, I'm not *that* spoilt! ;) But it still counts and Mummy's on my good books again... Now if only I could get her to take an afternoon nap with me! ;)